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New Collections Include Adin Thomas, Scott Harris Vintage, Vermari and more

We are excited to announce our new collections from our Independent Eyewear Companies. Each collection has a different vibe, different for every individual.

Adin Thomas

A Europa Collection that will not leave you disappointed. The youthful and trendy style will meet all our patients expectations. Not only does this collection feature cool and funky colors, but it features our go-to colors including black and tortoise.

Scott Harris Vintage

Another great collection from Europa, featuring sleek and sophisticated styles for men and women. Patient feedback includes, "lightweight" and "classy."


A brand new collection, that just got FDA approval. We are testing out this line, and so far, we love the designs that Vermari offers. A great look for women who are needing that extra 'oOomphff" in their daily wardrobe. Not only does this line elevate your look, but it makes you stand out like no other. We carry this line exclusively so if you are looking for something different, book an appointment with us.