Medi-Cal Member Vision Benefits for Eyeglasses

Because we use our high-end labs to manufacturer eyeglasses to stay in line with our high quality standards, and we complete the job in-house to meet our quality standards, we are not in-network with Medi-Cal, which contracts with the California Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA), a business enterprise within the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation that employs inmates, which has been in place since 1988. We are supportive of the inmates having the opportunity of obtaining meaningful work and gaining work skills; however, due to 1.5-3 month long wait time and quality control issues, it is not feasible for us to use their lab without affecting our patient care experience and low optician error % rate. If you would like it 100% covered, you will need to find an in-network provider. Just understand, you will be limited to the selection of frames, typically consignment frames, and they will only cover CR-39 basic plastic lenses. We do not limit any medi-cal member on what frame they choose, and we also provided extended upgraded benefits which is NOT an option with medi-cal.
If you are looking for true craftsmanship, alternatively, we provide special member rates and this allows us to continue to deliver at a high level when it comes to the fabrication of eyeglasses. To receive these benefits, not only do you NOT have to pay a monthly insurance premium, you are only responsible for the member co-pay and any out of pocket amounts for upgraded materials which is more than fair when compared to the top tier vision insurance companies who charge monthly insurance premiums for you to receive the benefits we offer. We are NOT an online website, dropship company, or large corporate owned retailer; we are an INDEPENDENT OPTICANRY, so well crafted eyeglasses matters to us. This is why we are willing to not get paid by Medi-Cal due to our dedication to not compromise when it comes to delivering high quality eyeglasses. This is a request from many medi-cal patients who didn't want the cheapest made glasses the state provides, but also couldn't afford monthly vision insurance premiums.
See below for your member rate: