We ship within the US and deliver locally in Auburn, CA.

Educator Discount for School Employees - Teachers & Counselors

We provide Discounts for all Educators. Whether you’re a teacher, counselor, school administrator, lunch staff, etc. you will qualify for a discount. You all have important roles in ensuring our students are educated and taken care of. As a thank you to you all, we want to make sure to prioritize your Vision.   

All you need to do is provide us with a valid ID and a valid employer ID card/badge in person or email us with a copy of your identification card here.

You will receive 15% off eyeglasses or sunglasses (contact lenses are excluded). We cannot combine discounts with insurance benefits or promotional offers. Click here to apply code automatically to cart.

We will approve the order once we receive proof of profession. If we do not receive proof within 3 business days, the discount code will be removed and you will be invoiced for the full amount.

