Because we use a high-end lab to manufacturer eyeglasses to stay in line with our high quality standards, we are not in-network with MES Vision, which requires that we use their in-network labs. Alternatively, we provide special member rates that are comparable with your in network benefits, and allows us to continue to deliver at a high level when it comes to the fabrication of eyeglasses. Quality matters to us, which is why we are willing to not get paid by your vision insurance company due to our dedication to not compromise when it comes to delivering high quality eyeglasses. See below for your member rate:
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*Alternatively, if we don't accept your vision insurance plan, or if you aren't eligible for eyeglasses through your Insurance Provider, you will receive 20% off a complete pair of eyeglasses and 30% off each additional complete pair. You must provide proof of vision insurance to receive this discount. Insurance benefits cannot be combined with any promotional discounts or regular on-going discounts.