Social Media

Follow us on social media:

Google: @thevisionparlor or The Vision Parlor

Healthgrades: @thevisionparlor or The Vision Parlor

Instagram: @thevisionparlor

Facebook: @thevisionparlor

LinkedIn: @thevisionparlor or The Vision Parlor

Pinterest: @thevisionparlor

Twitter: @thevisionparlor

Yelp: @thevisionparlor or The Vision Parlor

Youtube: @thevisionparlor or The Vision Parlor


Caution: Please be aware of copycat accounts and non-authentic branded products that are not distributed from The Vision Parlor or Please only follow the accounts mentioned above to ensure our brand stays in tact. We do not want our consumers to be misled by other companies copying our products or attempting to operate under our business name or similar spellings of our name.